Standing Alone

Image by CDD20 via pixabay

Everything is solvable. Everything is possible. What you’re most afraid of is not the circumstances but that you would betray yourself. You would abandon yourself in the midst of the circumstances. That you would doubt yourself and as a result be susceptible to the hypnosis of the old nightmare.

The old nightmare being the old world, the world of self-betrayal and self-abandonment where you’re putting others first. And you’re lost even to yourself; you can’t get your bearings. That’s the nightmare. The nightmare of not finding your “No”, your “I’m leaving now”, your unboundedness, your boundaries, your choice-making ability. That hypnosis.

That hypnosis is not to be dismissed for it does have a power. It does have momentum. It does have a hold in that its’ hypnotizing, sleep-inducing power comes from the fear of standing alone in face of the majority. The illusion being that the majority seem to agree and you stand alone in your “disagreeability”. That’s where your susceptibility is.

The illusion being that the majority seem to agree and you stand alone in your “disagreeability”. That’s where your susceptibility is.

Standing alone in the face of the so-called “norm”. That’s the fear. The fear of having your truth overridden by the majority, overridden by the “norm”. But once you recognize that you have the ability within you not to cave to that illusion, it’s like you reclaim your power. You reclaim your freedom in being willing to stand alone come what may.

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