Letting Things Go

Image by CDD20 (Pixabay)

The power of letting things go. There’s a freedom, a power in lettings things go. Not as an agenda but a real willingness. When you compromise yourself, your integrity – you feel it. You feel it in the inauthenticity of your words. When the words coming out of your mouth don’t match the reality of your feeling.

Letting things go is letting go of need. The need for something, someone. When you feel yourself twisting for the sake of an agenda, an outcome – that’s a telltale sign. A sign that something in you in compromising, being inauthentic – out of fear.

Letting things go is also letting go of self-imposed limitations. When endless possibilities become only one possibility. When open-ended-ness becomes a very small world. Your world becomes small when your attention is honed in on one person, one thing, one possibility and suddenly there are no options available outside that.

Letting things go means letting go of codependency. Needing someone to be something for your own well-being. Needing something for you to be ok. It means letting others be as they are without needing them to change and without their behavior or beliefs meaning anything about you.

Granting them complete freedom unto themselves and in turn complete freedom unto yourself. But this can’t be faked. It can’t be mentally believed.

It means being completely sovereign. Sovereign in your total knowing that nothing and nobody can affect you without your consent. Nothing can have a pull on you unless you give it that pull. On a practical level, that means being really aware of boundaries. Understanding what your boundaries actually are.

Boundaries include protecting your space, your field from someone else’s drama, negativity, spiraling, behavior, choices. It means not needing to jump in to ‘save’ anybody or needing to protect them from themselves.

There’s a freedom in that, in letting others be completely unto themselves. And knowing that you have a choice in your involvement and in being ‘company’ to someone else’s misery. You have the choice to stay out of it. Stay clean. You have the choice to stay true to yourself.

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