What If

Image by CDD20

What if nothing meant anything about you.

Would you be trying to do the right thing?

To be the right way?

To prove your worth by being loyal.

Or to “straighten out” your karma by being good.

Or would you be more real.

More fluid. More true.

More available.

More open.

Less prone to leaving yourself for the sake of the other.

No matter who it is.

Regardless of what it looks like.

Or any preconceived ideas of what it’s supposed to be like.

Trying to be ‘good’ ends up in obligation. Strait-jacket-ness.

Feeling trapped. Burdened. Resentful. Over-compensating.

It says, this isn’t what I want to do but what I have to do to prove to you that I’m good, reasonable, sane, lovable.

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