
Image by CDD20

Don’t posture yourself into a stance

Trying to look cool or collected

You won’t stand a chance

It’s time to let go of these games now

These old games

They’re not yours

They never were

It’s not about proving them wrong

Or letting them know that you know what they’re doing

None of that matters now

This isn’t a game anymore

Nor a dance or a punching ground

That shit is over

On it’s way out

This is the taking out of the roots

The family root

The family trance

It might feel a little shaky

Or more than a little

You might feel wrestled with

Dug up

Laying there on the mulch

Roots exposed


But trust the Gardener

Trust that which speaks to you through everything


Through your Heart

Trust that which knows no games

But sees the games for what they are

Open-ended futility

Trust that which knows where the roots are

That which can see the invisible root system in the ground

Even when the weeds themselves are gone

Don’t gaslight yourself into minimizing your experience

But really honor your courage and strength

To have the willingness to see to speak to act

In accordance to what feels True for You

No matter what

And find the support where you can

Because we can’t do this alone

And it’s okay to move slow

To be unproductive



Honor the tiredness

Honor the tears

Honor the bag of fears

Nothing needs to be skipped over

Nothing needs to be sped past


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