You Can(‘t) Choose

photo by CDD20

You have the right to “choose” who you want in your life.

You have the right to have people who genuinely love and support you in your life.

You have the right to have toxic relationships fall off like dead leaves fall off a tree.

In a way, it’s not a choice.

Because you can’t choose what makes your Heart sing.

You can’t choose what makes your Heart wilt either.

You’re following your Heart.

And if that means letting family members fall off one by one.

Then, so it is.

It’s a choice and it’s not a choice.

You have to realize you can choose.

In order to realize you don’t choose.

Your Heart doesn’t follow “the rules”.

It doesn’t operate from but this is my sister!

It has equanimity embedded.

Nothing is taboo.

Nothing is a faux pas.

The Heart doesn’t speak this language.

So when it’s time for the dead leaf sister relationship to fall off – it falls off by itself.

In a way, you’re choicelessly aware of it.

We’re all here on our own unique paths and all you can do is stay true to your path.

And trust that nothing real is lost.

Nothing true.

And in that you can find the peace and trust to let all the dead leaves drop.

Even if the whole world doesn’t like it (and they won’t).

But you don’t have a choice.

It may look like you do from the outside.

But you know, deep in your Heart, you don’t.

Not really.

That’s the beauty of it.

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