Be Wrong

photo by CDD20

What if everything you did was wrong and you didn’t have to justify it.

Be wrong.

Notice how nothing’s happening.

Okay, you were wrong. All of it was wrong. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

Isn’t that freeing? Isn’t that just a god damn relief?

Anytime you can just breathe again, that’s a good sign.

So people’s perception of you are that you’re wrong. Okay.

Where does that land?

Absolutely nowhere.

You don’t have to learn to love yourself.

That sounds like a tedious uphill battle.

And you don’t have to justify wrongs either.

So where does that leave it?

I’m wrong and it’s okay. I’m a misnomer and it’s okay.

The only time it’s not okay is when I want to be right.

Do it right.

Wanting to be right is the cause of a lot of violence.

Inwardly and outwardly.

Try on the I’m wrong and really let it sink in to your skin, into your field.

I’m wrong.

My past is wrong, my life is wrong, my behavior is wrong, my decisions are wrong, my impulses are wrong.

All of it. I have not done one thing right!


And I will probably continue to do everything wrong till the very end.

Where does that leave me?

Leaves me with a lot of space, a lot of room.

A lota room for fucking up. A complete and utter disaster.

All the way to the end.

Through and through.


Trying to do it right is to who’s standards?

God? The teacher? Mom? Husband? Brother? Sister? Mother-in-law? Sister-in-law? Cousin? Friend? The priest? The pope? The Man? the woman? Who?

Be wrong and in that, be free.

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