Hello Despair

photo by CDD20

When the midday air of despair smacks you in the face, remind yourself of the mini successes you’ve had so far. Managed to get out of bed. Success. Watered the garden. Success. Cut my own hair. Success. Made and ate some breakfast. Success. Showered with lovely smelling soaps. Success.

Not running around like a headless chicken. Success. Taking it slow and easy. Success. Breathing fully. Aware of my breath. Success. Hearing the birds. Success. Got some sun. Success. Food in the fridge. Success. Couch under my bum. Success.

And then gently coming back to ‘despair’. A heaviness, energetic density. A friend that wants to be met. A tightness in the jaw. A discomfort. A frozenness.

Hello despair. Nice to meet you.

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