Nothing’s Happening

photo by CDD20

When nothing’s going on, and nothing’s happening, really savor these moments. Really bow down to the one not able to handle meetings, or new friends, or new ideas or chores. She’s signaling that she’s not up for this stuff. And she really needs to be honored and bowed down to. She’s processing a lot. It’s no small feat. Any of it.

To learn to bow to that little one is an act of great kindness. To do everything to resource her, and not do anything that is too overwhelming for her. Forget the should’s and could’s and but this is normal. Forget all this added pressure. Really drop the pressure. The pressure to be spiritual, to get ahead, to get it right, to get on with life, to not miss life, to take in the beauty of life, to heal, to be healthy, to be responsible, to be nice, to be good, to get rid of this feeling, to be over it already, to be anything other than what’s here is an act of violence. Even if it’s dressed in spiritual clothing. Spirituality can be really violent. Internally. We can be punishing ourselves and measuring ourselves up 24/7 with this stuff. It’s exhausting.

And this little one is exhausted, the one pretending to be spiritual is exhausted, the one pretending to be good is exhausted. Give these guys a break. Let them be the fumbly puddles that they are. With no this shouldn’t be like this madness, it is like this. It is. And there’s no way around it. No way over it or under it.

Being with What Is isn’t some like mystical idea of what is, like The Present Moment. It’s so overused and made into something that it fucks with the head. What is is literally what is. All of it. The dog poop is what is, the cat licking its’ ass is what is, feeling like shit is what is, not accepting is what is, being angry is what is, watching a bad movie is what is, it’s pointless to even call it what is. And maybe it’s better to let go of this lingo. Because it’s been made into something. It’s not heard.

When nothing’s happening, it might not feel good, because we’re so conditioned to not allow nothing to be happening. Nothing happening is almost like a faux pas. What are you doing? Nothing. Gasp! It’s not socially acceptable for nothing to be happening. But when nothing’s happening really recognize the beauty of nothing happening. Really lean into nothing’s happening. Lean into to it. Yay, nothing’s happening. Deep breath.

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