Get Duped

photo by Saydung89

You act in your own integrity – you need not worry about anything or anybody.

But what if I get duped?

Don’t I need to make sure somehow I’m not getting screwed over?

With what?

Apprehension, suspicion, insecurity, restlessness, doubt?

The mind will make it seem as though you’re putting your head in the sand – Don’t be naive!

Drop in the body. Feel whatever energetic tension, movement or tiredness there is. Be with that. Keep coming back to that. Long exhales. Deep inhales.

But I need to say this and that.


And this happened in the past.

Come back.

You’ll effortlessly find yourself able to feel out whatever needs to unfold without agenda.

Without, my safety depends on this.

Without, this person is trying to dupe me, take me for a fool.

Let the mind vomit out its’ doomsday scenario and apocalyptic hypothesis.

Let it make mountains out of molehills.

This doesn’t mean denying the vulnerability and tenderness of being human. Or suppressing any trauma that’s bubbling up to the surface. It’s admitting to and meeting with honesty, gentleness. Slowness.

And you don’t have to “be strong” and pretend this.

Just drop into the body and feel the energy of it. The lethargy of it. And let it be here. Don’t fight.

But what if I get duped?

Yeah, what if.

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