Come Back

photo by CDD20

Come back to yourself. Come back to the simplicity of you. Forget everything that happened yesterday. Last week. Forget everyone you met or didn’t meet. Forget the conversations you had or are supposed to have. Forget it all.

You don’t have to be anybody for anyone. You don’t have to be consistent or dependable. Any question you want to ask someone else, you can ask yourself first. See if this is something for the other or for you.

If you’re doubting someone actually wants to hang out with you or get to know you, ask yourself if you actually want to get to know them. If you feel like someone is obligated to you, ask yourself if you feel obligated to them. And be honest. Be real with yourself.

Come back to your solitude.

Come back to your realness.

The part that’s beneath the I’m bad, they don’t like me, I’m wrong. The part that doesn’t operate from I’m bad. The part that’s not overwhelmed by everything that’s happening ‘out there’ or happened or will happen. The part that doesn’t need to get anywhere or do anything because it’s already here.

It doesn’t need to reach out to anyone or fulfill any commitment or communication. It’s not concerned about these things. It doesn’t believe that this last text needs to be responded to or this email really needs to be addressed today. Or this post really needs to be published.

Come back here.

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