Make Mistakes

photo by CDD20

Allow yourself to make mistakes. Give yourself that room. That open space of spreading out. And allowing for mistakes to happen. Mistakes are not what you think they are. They’re not something ‘wrong’ that happened. Mistakes are wonderful open portals to living problem-free.

We’ve learned that mistakes are bad, a sign of failure, a sign of wasted opportunity. This is the conditioning – it’s the language of stunted growth. A language that doesn’t know love. We whiplash ourselves with guilt, shame, hopelessness, powerlessness, despair every time a ‘mistake’ is made. Especially when money is involved.

How did we come to learn these things?

Who originally taught us that?

What were their motivations?

Did they care about growth?

Through our conditioning things were forced on us all the time. And saying no to this force was seen as outrageous. We don’t even know it’s happening to us half the time. The dynamic is so off balance that when things are forced on us, we think we’re choosing them. And when we do actually use our inner guidance and listen to our inner authority to navigate our own experience, it’s seen as questionable behavior.

Maybe even a mistake, a problem, a waste, a very wrong thing – outright rejected by those around us. Those who never question. Those who think mistakes are calamities. Those who don’t prioritize growth. Real growth anyway. Instead they prioritize ideas of right and wrong, good and bad.

And so, when we’re growing out of this old way of being and relating in and to the world, we have to start noticing how we’re relating to our experience. What’s my dynamic with ‘making mistakes’? What do I do to myself or others when I make a mistake? How does it affect my inner world? Am I stunted? Do I never want to try every again? Do I feel like a waste of space?

If we’re not aware, the world will tell us we’re making a mistake all day long. Our whole life is a mistake. And we listen because we’re innocent. Mistakes and innocence are close relatives. You have to have real innocence to be willing to make mistakes. To fuck up. To do everything wrong.

Do I fall into an ocean of despair when I make a mistake? Do I punish myself?

Maybe as a child, you weren’t allowed to make mistakes. You had to get everything just right to prove yourself worthy of love or even physical care.

Seeing how mistakes are handled in our psyche, in our body opens up new possibilities, a new way of living, of approaching life, of relating to our experience. It creates space for questioning whether I can live in another way. Is there another softer, gentler way to be with mistakes?

Can I give myself permission to make all the mistakes I can make and to love myself regardless? To not berate myself or punish myself for being human? For my innocence.

When mistakes are permitted, given space, given love, given understanding, given breathing room – then possibilities open up. Problems disappear. Life becomes fun. Just because. Not purposeful and heavy. But purposeless and light.

When mistakes are permitted, you can play. Play with everything. How you decorate your home, what to buy, how you spend your time, how you garden. There’s open space. So there’s no rush and no time limit. There’s just availability. Possibility. Beauty. Abundance. Rest. And trust.

Trust that all is well. That it’s okay. Everything is okay. Good. In flow.

It’s not tight, limited and suffocated anymore. There’s room, it’s airy. It’s cool.

There’s no limitation on anything. You don’t superimpose limitations on yourself anymore where there are none. You recognize the limitlessness of reality. The “I’m not up against the wall all the time” reality.

It’s beautiful to give yourself absolute permission to make mistakes. Then a whole old worlds falls away. The bottom falls off. And a new fresh world beautiful world becomes apparent. Obvious. Like realizing you were in a trance and you’ve snapped out of it with the snap of a finger. And you can breathe again. Breathe fully.

You don’t have to run around like a headless chicken anymore. You can take your time. Settle in. Include everything that’s happening in the moment to be porous to this is ok. This too. I’m not running away with my experience anymore, like a thief in the night. I’m bringing it in, reigning in. To this openness. This new world. This recognition.

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