Steady On

photo by septimiu

You have to be willing to let it all go. Don’t hitch your wagon to that which is unpredictable. That which requires contorting on your part. Conditioning will say, that’s arrogant. Everyone will try to scare you. Your own mind most of all. But you just steady on. It is much closer to reality living in not knowing than it is living in a make-believe world that everybody happens to agree upon.

Know that you are not alone. Remind yourself in times of doubt of the teachers dead or alive who’ve lived and are living this path. Know that you are alone in that ultimately there’s only you. And in your aloneness, you can trust.

But your solitude will be a support and a home for you, even in the midst of very unfamiliar circumstances, and from it you will find all your paths.

Rainer Maria Rilke

No contract is a guarantee.

No spoken word is a guarantee.

No unspoken agreement is a guarantee.

Stay in your own integrity. Not as a hard impenetrable action, but as a relaxed and open resting. Fluid, gentle, soft.

Put everything your parents (thus the world) have told you, taught you, imprinted on you in one of those little play boats and set it on its way downstream – never to be seen again.

And breathe.

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