Consistency is Invisible

photo by CDD20

Taking power back from the teacher, taking the “I don’t know, you know” power dynamic back and trusting yourself. Trusting your inner guidance and the subtleties of what its’ picking up in an environment or in another.

It’s not arrogance as the spiritual ego would have you believe, it takes great courage to take that leap. There’s great equanimity in that. It’s moving with the flow of what feels right for you without taking pre-existing relationship dynamics into consideration. Or past. Or who you were 10 months ago or 10 minutes ago. And trying to maintain an image of consistency.

No one is consistent. Not even the teachers themselves. Looking for consistency in them will only lead to disappointment. Consistency can’t be found in another. Not another person. Not another thing.

You can’t see consistency. It’s not a thing. Nothing is consistent out here. Not in a traumatic way. In a loving way. Your safety, your consistency is prior to all things, before anything. But it’s not the safety and consistency the mind imagines of something that never changes. Someone. Some teaching.

Consistency is invisible. It doesn’t look like anything. It is the openness in which all non-consistency can play out. It is that which directs your inner guidance to the microsecond – this is right for you now.

It’s the openness of knowing but not holding onto anything too tight. And trusting the goodness of not gripping onto things, people, circumstances or situations. The goodness in the expansiveness of it.

Look back on your life and notice situations where big change happened. Where something ended. Notice how expansiveness was the byproduct of that ending.

With the willingness to let go of the familiar, so much opened up. So many possibilities, avenues, experience, learning. It expanded your consciousness, your sense of openness, possibilities you couldn’t see before suddenly became available to you.

Not premature and not too late. Everything is right on time.

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