Cool Breeze

photo by septimiu

This isn’t stagnant. It’s not this idea that the mind has of stillness as non-movement. This is all inclusive. It’s completely spontaneous. Organized. Efficient. But not in a mental way. In an organic wholesome way which doesn’t require a horizontal movement of time.

It doesn’t need anything from anybody. It’s totally egalitarian without trying to be. It doesn’t need recognition nor approval. It doesn’t hold grievances either. It’s clean. Pure. Fresh.

It’s not a drawn out process of having to ‘sit’ so that…. It’s not horizontal. Not linear. But it is cohesive. Whole unto itself.

It reigns in any outward movement of need or want and brings it back to wholeness. It dismantles rushing. It has no ambition and no endgame because it is complete already and always. There’s no seeking involved.

It’s a cool breeze. The rustling of the leaves. Sunlight on the pillow.

If it could speak it would say, there’s nowhere to go, no one to be and nothing to do. It’s the opposite of everything you thought you knew.

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